NEFFA Festival Rating Codes

Each event at the Festival has assigned to it one or more event codes to give you an idea of what to expect during the session.

Event Types

E Entertainment Events in which people watch or listen (concerts, performances, etc.)
P Presentation Events which focus on demonstrating a particular skill or presenting educational material (as in a lecture)
C Chat Events which are primarily informal discussions.
G Group participation Events in which audience participation is the primary focus (group singing, jam sessions, discussions, etc.)
T Teaching featured Events in which imparting a skill is the primary focus.
D Participatory Dancing Dances in which walk-thrus and prompting are provided by leader.
N No instruction/walk-thrus Dances in which no instruction or walk-thrus are provided.

Event Levels

F Family-oriented Participatory events especially geared to families and others who enjoy being with children
B Beginner friendly No experience assumed.
S Some experience helpful Basic knowledge assumed.
X eXperiencd Much experience assumed.

New England Folk Festival Association