Letter From the President

NEFFA needs you!

The NEFFA Board has started planning for next year’s Festival, which will take place at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center in Marlborough on April 25-27, 2025. We are also planning on another Ralph Page Dance Event in Worcester, January 10-11, 2025. Mark your calendars!

NEFFA work is year-round. We are already considering some new projects, but we are looking for some volunteers with particular skills or interests, such as:

  • Databases
  • Design (web/css, canva, or visual)
  • Publicity
  • Hooping, slack line, or other participatory activities
  • Finding and coordinating with our vendors
  • Transportation to/from the Festival

Please contact me at president@neffa.org if you are interested in working on any of these projects. Don’t worry, there will still be lots of volunteer opportunities at the Festival, too!

Finally, performer applications open on September 15 for the 2025 Festival. Please pass the word on to anyone you know who you think would be a great addition to the Festival!

— Jonathan

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