Festival Schedule Updates

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New events and changes are added to the online schedule! Check out the grid at https://www.neffa.org/festival-schedule/

Remember that you can use the mobile schedule at mobile.neffa.org to check off/bookmark events that you want to make sure to attend, and build a personalized My Schedule. Use the shareable link and QR code provided to transfer your schedule to a different device. For example, you can set up your schedule in advance on your computer and transfer it to your phone for the Festival.

Please note! As of the week before the Festival when the print grid has gone to press, the web grid and mobile schedule are no longer updated in real time. As the event nears, the Festival Schedule page on our website will include a standalone link to a Google Doc with late-breaking changes. This doc allows the Program Committee to publish changes in real time while we are circulating at the Festival. We thank you for your understanding as we work to keep you up to date with schedule changes.

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