Can’t get to the NEFFA Festival in person? You can still watch the NEFFA Live Stream!
NEFFA will be live streaming from the Seminar Room, and only the Seminar Room this year. You can explore the schedule at But wait! There’s more! You will also be able to Zoom chat (silently) with other Zoom attendees while you enjoy each of the concerts in the Seminar Room.
Can’t join the live stream? Most concerts in this room will be recorded for viewing through the NEFFA Video Archive, linked at
The registration link for the live stream will be posted on the NEFFA web site and on the NEFFA Loop about a week before the Festival. Be sure to register if you want to join in! There is no fee for the live stream.
The same link can be used by remote participants for NEFFA’s Annual General Meeting. Registration is still required.