Festival Lodging

March 25, 2025 update

Our event room rate at the Royal Plaza Best Western expired on March 24, so it is no longer possible to book a room at our group rate. At this point, if someone cancels a room, it can be rebooked through the Hotel (at whatever the current “market rate” is), but NEFFA will not get “credit” for that reservation in our room block. We want the Hotel as full of NEFFA folks as possible, for both financial and social reasons, so we hope the Hotel will stay fully booked up. 

If you have booked a room you need to cancel at the Royal Plaza for NEFFA, please note that reservations are transferable. If you have friends who can use the room, please pass the reservation along to someone else, rather than canceling. To transfer a room reservation or to make adjustments to an existing reservation, please contact the Royal Plaza Best Western directly at ‭508-460-0700. (If you are transferring a room to someone else, don’t use the word “cancel”—you want to “transfer” a room. If a room is canceled, it does not count in our block, even if someone rebooks it, and the discounted rate can’t be recovered for that room.) 

If you’re willing to transfer the reservation but don’t know anyone who wants it, please contact janet@neffa.org, and we can connect you with someone interested in booking a room. 

An additional block of hotel rooms is available at the Hampton Inn, which is less than a quarter of a mile away. It is more expensive than the Best Western ($189/night), but they are offering us a discounted room rate from their usual retail rate. Bookings can be made through a link for the NEFFA group rate here:  https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=BOSHHHX&groupCode=CHH90E&arrivaldate=2025-04-24&departuredate=2025-04-28&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT. Note that this special group rate will expire on March 27, 2025. 

There are also many other hotels nearby, but you’re on your own with those!

While NEFFA is not in a position to officially facilitate room-sharing, we have set up a self-service room-share spreadsheet. More information on our Roomshare page.

If you have problems or questions, contact janet@neffa.org.

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