Above and beyond the financial benefits to members and to the organization, membership is “next-level” community: not only do members enjoy dancing, singing, and making music together at NEFFA events, they also know that their commitment to NEFFA keeps the organization alive and vibrant and able to provide the means by which we actively engage with each other, leave aside our differences, and affirm our common humanity.
If you’re not sure of the status of your membership, you can use our new membership lookup form. All NEFFA memberships end on March 31, so make sure your membership doesn’t expire right before the upcoming Festival!
Join/Renew instantly, safely, and securely with

(A PayPal account is NOT required to pay securely with your credit/debit card.)
If you prefer to send in a check, you can print a membership form here.

* – To specify the additional family member’s name, either use the “Address 1” line in the checkout form, or add the information in the message box.