Advance Tickets – NEFFA Members

You can adjust the quantity of each type when you get to the shopping cart. NOTE: the PayPal receipt is the only notification you will receive that your purchase went through.

In the box under each ticket type, please enter the name you would like printed on the name tags, the town (or other indication of where you’re from, like a band name). Put a slash between the name and the town. If you’re going to be increasing the quantity of that ticket type, you can enter more than one name/town like this: Martha Fassman/Acton,Milton Berle/Comedy Troupe.

We don’t have room to include pronouns on the labels we’ll be printing, but you can hand-write them on the ticket once you receive it.

Your tickets will be mailed to you using the physical address provided to us by PayPal. If that address is not the correct place to send the tickets, please send email to with instructions. Tickets purchased in the week before the Festival will be held at the Ticket table in the Festival lobby.

All Festival
Ticket Category (age range)
Name(s)/Town(s) for name tags
Ticket Category (age range)
Name(s)/Town(s) for name tags
Saturday AM
Ticket Category (age range)
Name(s)/Town(s) for name tags
Saturday PM
Ticket Category (age range)
Name(s)/Town(s) for name tags
Ticket Category (age range)
Name(s)/Town(s) for name tags
Festival Sampler (Sat 11am-4pm)
Make a tax deductible donation to NEFFA
Tax-Deductible Donation Amount (Optional)
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